The management models of the repair-regenerative processes at the thermal stations
тозу, жөндеу-қалпына келтіру процесі, шығындар, күрделі жөндеу, орташа жөндеу, басқару модельдері, анықталған ақпарат, ықтималды ақпарат, анықталмаған ақпарат, шешім қабылдаудың сценарийі, модельдерді қолдану аймағыAbstract
For power industry of Russia, considerable depreciation of the basic production assets today is characteristic. Their big part has fulfilled standard service life what leads to increasing in costs at a damage control and necessities to manage them. The paper presents a model for managing repair and restoration processes in thermal power plants in order to plan the value of the cost of capital and average repairs of the main equipment. The article shows the area of application of each of them, which is determined by the efficiency of using the information inherent in it. Decision-making model based on fuzzy intervals changes repair costs is presented. This model allows to localize the area of decision-making on the basis of the most preferred for the person making the decision to do this. As an example of the results to determine the cost of capital and medium repairs the main equipment of the Novosibirsk TPP-4 was shown.