About the reflection of electromagnetic TE-wave at the interface between isotropic elastic medium and piezo-crystal orthorhombic classes 222 mm2, mmm
электромагнитная волна, упругая волна, пьезомагнетизм, задача отражения, энергетические коэффициенты отражения, анизотропная среда, изотропная средаAbstract
The problem of reflection of the electromagnetic TE-wave propagating along x0z plane at the boundary of an isotropic elastic medium section and piezomagnetic orthorhombic crystal classes 222, mm2, mmm was solved by matriciant method. The system of ordinary differential equations describing the propagation of associated waves along the plane of the x0z piezo-magnetic environment specified classes was obtained. The structure of matrix coefficients was built. The z-components of the wave vectors and the «law of refraction» of coupled waves were obtained. It is shown that «generated» y-polarization elastic waves propagate at the virtually along the 0z axis, as the speed of the electromagnetic wave is much greater than the speed of elastic wave. The numerical calculation of the reflection and transmission energy coefficients of electromagnetic TE-wave and y-polarization elastic wave was carried out.