Structure and properties of steel coating ligated titanium
многофазное покрытие, рентгеновский анализ, микротвердость, нанотвердост, микроструктура, наноструктураAbstract
The paper presents experimental results on the structure and properties of coatings obtained while spraying a titanium cathode and cathode steel 12X18H10T. Coatings were deposited in argon and nitrogen on a substrate 45. The coating of steel 12X18H10T + Ti in a nitrogen gas atmosphere containing 73 % Ti, and the coating 12X18H10T + Ti in an argon gas atmosphere has a high content of Fe — 64,96 %. 12X18H10T + Ti coating in an atmosphere of nitrogen gas and argon have a columnar structure characteristic of single phase films. Covering 12X18H10T + Ti in a gaseous environment of nitrogen has nanohardness equal to 35.808 GPa and argon — 3.339 GPa. The difference obtained by 10 times. Our experimental results indicate that the nanohardness 12X18H10T + Ti coating in an atmosphere of nitrogen determined nanoscale titanium nitride whose dimensions lie in the range (5–10) nm.