About calculation of the current-voltage characteristics of the superconducting tunnel junction based on a scattering matrix at a relative barrier height hb=3
сверхпроводимость, туннельный переход, эффект Джозефсона, вольт-амперная характеристика, спектры динамической проводимости, высота барьераAbstract
Within the framework of the theory of quantum transport phenomena using the method of a scattering matrix were calculated current-voltage characteristics and dI(V)/dV -differential conductivity spectra of superconducting tunnel junctions at a relative barrier height hb = 3. The evolution of the transport characteristics of a Josephson junction with a change in the superconducting gap (the order parameter) from 0,1 ÷ 1 arb. units was shown. In this case, the effect of temperature on the transition was studied theoretically by varying of the order parameter value of a massive superconductor in a range of 0,1 ÷ 1 arb. units, because the relative transparency of the transition barrier is constant (D = 0,1).